About me

Welcome to Vegan Artistry!

Hello everyone! My name is Luna. I started Vegan Artistry to show you how tasty and creative vegan food can be. My vegan journey started long years ago. I follow this lifestyle for the love of animals, and on top of that, I also love eating healthy.

This blog allows me to share my passion for homemade and delicious plant-based recipes. I want to keep it simple, clean, and as quick as possible for the reader to enjoy and try out some of my recipes. Not only do I enjoy sharing recipes with you, I also love the decorating and picture-taking aspect of the food!

My main goal is to help humanity, animals, and the planet by showing you some animal-friendly alternatives to your daily meals.

All of my recipes are tested before sharing them with you! Animal tested by my dogs and human tested by my significant other. 🙂

I hope I can inspire you, and if you try any of my recipes I would love to hear your feedback! Our journey is just beginning, and I hope you will stay with me along the way! You can also message me or find me on Instagram and Pinterest.

About Me

I’m a 3D artist working at a gaming company as a texture artist. I love everything that is art. In my spare time, I enjoy making macrame wall hangings, creating 3D digital characters, and refurbishing antique furniture.

My partner and I live in Munich with our two dogs and two cats! We’re building a van, hopefully, soon we will be traveling across countries in the van, cooking, and of course, blogging for you all!

I’m really happy and grateful to be able to share with you what I truly love, which is creating and sharing delicious, vegan recipes.

Let’s Connect!

Please feel free to comment on my recipes, and let me know if you try them. You can also follow me on Instagram and Pinterest.

For information on how to reach out to me, please see my Contact page for more details. I would love to hear from you.

If you don’t want to miss a single recipe on here please sign up for email updates below.

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error: You can find this recipe here: http://www.veganartistry.com/